[Music Album] White Story

The electro folk instrumental music album which features electric koto (Japanese harp). With the 9 pieces of variety of music, the new possibility of the electric koto can be discovered.

The title “White Story” has started as a mixed media project with collaborators. “White story” refers to the unknown future ahead of us that can be drawn by our own hand on the blank pages. Based on this concept of the story, these nine music pieces are formed. While the concept story went forward to describe the image and the process of how the new pages are created, which is on the next page of the White Story, these nine music pieces were also written to be on the next pages which has no yet to be turned.

White Story _ by Juandros, published in 2013(photo book edition)

1.Sign of the dawning
2.Soaring sun, tinted ground
3.The sea
6.Remorse…and the wishes
7.Sky pt1
8.Sky pt2
9.Transcending through the opened gate